Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of English grammar. It refers to the agreement between the subject and verb in terms of number and person. The subject and verb must agree in number, whether they are both singular or both plural. Additionally, they must agree in person, whether they are first, second, or third person. Learning subject-verb agreement is crucial for effective communication in writing and speech.

The objectives of learning subject-verb agreement are outlined below:

1. Clarity: Proper subject-verb agreement is essential for conveying clear and concise ideas. Using incorrect subject-verb agreement can lead to confusion, making it harder for the reader or listener to understand the message being conveyed.

2. Grammatical correctness: Proper subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammatical correctness. Writing or speaking correctly carries weight and credibility in all situations. Using incorrect subject-verb agreement can make a writer or speaker appear uneducated or careless.

3. Professionalism: When communicating in a professional setting, proper subject-verb agreement is critical. It shows that the writer or speaker has a good grasp of the English language and is serious about their work.

4. Adapting to different situations: Different situations require different tones and styles of writing. Understanding subject-verb agreement allows the writer to adapt their writing to suit the situation. For example, academic writing often requires a more formal tone than casual writing. Proper subject-verb agreement is necessary to convey the appropriate tone in different situations.

5. Avoiding common mistakes: Misusing subject-verb agreement is one of the most common mistakes made in English writing. Learning subject-verb agreement rules can help writers to identify and avoid these mistakes, leading to better writing and clearer communication.

In conclusion, learning subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and effective communication in writing and speech. The objectives of learning subject-verb agreement include clarity, grammatical correctness, professionalism, adapting to different situations, and avoiding common mistakes. By mastering subject-verb agreement, writers can convey their ideas clearly and effectively, making their writing more professional and impactful.